
Pokemonliquidcrystalitemlocation.PokemonLiquidCrystalisaGenIIromhackofPokemonFireRed,offeringauniqueexperienceintheGenIIIsetting.The ...,PokemonLiquidCrystalPokemonLocations:Johto:Route40,Route43,CianwoodCity,LakeofRage,GoldenrodUnderground,Kanto:Route2,Route17.,HeaduptheeasternslopeallthewaytothenortheastareatofindanElixir.Backtothesouthernpointoflakeandmovealongthesouthwesternshoretoreach .....

[PDF] Pokemon liquid crystal location guide

Pokemon liquid crystal item location. Pokemon Liquid Crystal is a Gen II rom hack of Pokemon Fire Red, offering a unique experience in the Gen III setting. The ...

Pokemon Liquid Crystal Pokemon Locations

Pokemon Liquid Crystal Pokemon Locations: Johto: Route 40, Route 43, Cianwood City, Lake of Rage, Goldenrod Underground, Kanto: Route 2, Route 17.

Pokemon Liquid Crystal Walkthrough

Head up the eastern slope all the way to the northeast area to find an Elixir. Back to the southern point of lake and move along the southwestern shore to reach ...

Liquid crystal

My full guide on legendary locations (well some of them) Articuno - route between mahogany town and ice path (blue flute must be placed in outskirt island)

Walkthrough for Pokemon Liquid Crystal Beta 3.3.0

You use the Squirtbottle on it. First you have to defeat Whitney, then visit the Goldenrod Flower Shop and find out that the owner's little ...

Liquid Crystal Walk Through | PDF | Pokémon

評分 3.7 (13) This document provides a bug report and walkthrough for a Pokémon Crystal ... locations of legendaries, starters, and in-game trades.

Pokemon Liquid Crystal Beta 3.3.00512 Walkthrough by Allen ...

Pokemon Liquid Crystal Beta 3.3.00512 Walkthrough by Allen Chingonzoh - Free download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.

Pokémon Crystal - Items

Itemfinder, Checks for unseen items in the area. Johto: Ecruteak City (House to the right of the Gym) ; Lost Item, The POKé DOLL lost by the COPY CAT. Kanto: ...

Pokemon Liquid Crystal Walkthrough

A Pokemon game made off of Fire Red, and redone to be Pokemon Liquid Crystal! A Gen 3 version of Johto. Help me explore this new and mysterious land.

Pokemon Liquid Crystal Walkthrough Episode 1

Hey everyone ZephyrSonic coming at you today joined by special guest TheOneIntegral and today im bringing you guys the start of my Pokemon ...